n Walk in interview as Research Associate (i)/Scientist for M.pharma in TATA MEMORIAL CENTRE | Pharma Insights

Walk in interview as Research Associate (i)/Scientist for M.pharma in TATA MEMORIAL CENTRE

Designation:Research Associate (i)

Qualifications: M. Pharm with minimum 60% aggregate and Ph.D. in Pharmacology.

Candidate should have M. Pharm in Pharmacology and Ph.D. in related area of work. Prior experience in animal models of disease particularly cancer models (Xenografts / orthotopic models, etc.) and experience of working with immune-compromised mice is highly desirable

Pay scale:Rs.36,000/- + 30% HRA

Candidates fulfilling these requirements should pre-register by sending their application in the prescribed format with recent CV and contact details of 2 referees by e-mail to  ‘program.office@actrec.gov.in’ latest by  17.00 hrs on 13-02-2017

For more details, please visit: http://www.actrec.gov.in/data%20files/

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