in India is under category of medicine not in medical device section and it included
in National List of Essential Medicines (NLEM). Recently Govt of India
brought stents to price control authorityNational
Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority(NPPA).
Two types
stents used in angioplasty one is bare metal stent and drug eluting stent it is
higher price than bare metal stent.
India's stent industry valued Rs1,400 crore, is heavily import-based.
stent market share International companies enjoys 59.5% share such as Abbot vascular,
Medtronic and Boston scientific and Indian companies accounted for 40.55%.
are heavily overpriced 650percentage than original price.
Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority bare metal stent should be priced Rs7260 and drug
eluting stent price Rs 29600, this price fixing will stops variability cost
stent in market.
In India where30 million peoplesuffer from cardiovascular problems and overtwo
milliondie of heart attacks and strokes each year, stents have
become essential. Every year, over 200,000 heart surgeries take place in the